Sunday, June 22, 2008

Barack Obama Promises Black Reparations

In the early days of the campaign many notable Black civil rights leaders had great reservations about Barack Obama. Some including the Reverend Al Sharpton questioned his "black cred". Some saying he "Wasn't up for the struggle" and even saying he wasn't Black enough. Then things suddenly changed to where Obama has almost universal support among African-American leaders and the black population in general. So what changed?

The truth is that Obama has secretly promised that as president is to fight hard for reparations for slavery. He has promised that every American of African descent will receive large cash awards using tax payers money. This may cost the treasury trillions of dollars but he has secretly vowed to make it a hallmark of his presidency.

  • Beside cash settlements he will propose free college education for anyone of African descent.
  • Massive tax increases for all white citizens to pay for the reparations.
  • Force companies that existed before the civil war to pay what would have amounted to a fair wage at the time plus compounded interest for every slave ever owned by a United States Citizen.
  • Pay African nations trillions of dollars for taking their people.

He will never mention this during the campaign, but once he is in office he will push this agenda. This is why Obama has almost universal support from the African American Community.


Unknown said...

For the record, Barack Obama is not of African descent and when he ran for Senator the second time around he ran against a republican promising mild reparations in Illinois.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick person.

Anonymous said...

Prove *anything* you say about reparations! Barack Obama has never "secretly" said he would do anything in this regard. All this is is Republican dirty tricks, innuendo and lies.

Anonymous said...

Note to people of all decent about the views of Black people on this subject...We don't care about reparations. Not at all. And we aren't all for Barack Obama. Nope.
I think the person writing this blog may be a little paranoid about someone running for president who is half black, and making up statements that the black community doesn't care about. We don't want any of your money or the government's money either. Believe that. In fact I think the only time I've ever heard about reparations was through a white person or the media saying something about it, but never from my grandmother's, mother's or my generation was it ever mentioned. Please stop making up lies about us, and simply ask any black person if they are interested or persuing any part of reparations. They'll say NO and will probably think you are crazy or something. Slavery is far over and you are way off the mark. Stop living in the past and move on.

Mots du Bugsy said...

Just your name shows a paranoia and bogeyman fear mentality that is ignorant of th REALity.

There are only the bougies who like to profile and signify that talk that smack.
People like me are more jacobin-trotskyites who seek solidarity by emotional empathy with other people who share and have the smae concerns. we are not so "me-concerned"-the outgrowth of the "ME-culture" of the majority's materialistic ethos- that we would think that taking from the teasure of others who have the same objective repessive conditions is a short or global solution to our perceived condition, even if I or others like me accepted the need of reparatioons as valid.

If anything to have "our own" autonomous and IN-dependent of the social structure which itself is showing its deteriorationg facade of invulnerability and is MORE like the herd of dumb beast ina buffalo stand being picked off randomly and not knowing where the next blow is coming from or what is happening. These dumb beast of the herd mentality need reparations from those who have soldthem the bill of goods of asurances of security that has been a treacherous lie on the level of treason.

No. Redemption for black people will come in joining the worldwide movement for human redemption from the commodity obsession of the culture of materialism and seek our wealth in the spirt of Union with not only mankind but the phenomena of CREATION that is our birthright and true sacred and reverential sustainer through all.

Black Bugsy